Trio who set up cheerleading squad are honoured with an Ashfield Rose

THREE women who set up a cheerleading squad to help Ashfield’s youngsters get into shape and stay off the streets are the latest people to be honoured with an Ashfield Rose award.

Mums Caroline Wilson, Ali Stothard-Brown and Lisa Dalley have been honoured with our award after setting up the Ashfield Allstars cheerleading squad in March this year.

And since then the squad has grown rapidly and now boasts more than 60 members from all across the Ashfield district.

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Ashfield MP Gloria De Piero, who nominated the trio, paid tribute to the hardworking team.

“When I met them and the girls I was really impressed with what they had achieved in such a short space of time,” she said.

“They have so much get up and go. It’s something completely different other than the usual football or running and gives girls a great activity to get into, keep fit and stay out of trouble.

“We always hear about the ‘Big Society’ and although it might be a Government thing – this is a great example of local people deciding to try and make a bit of difference for young people in their community, giving up their time and effort to do something positive.”

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Chad launched the community initiative in conjuction with Kirkby florist Floral Expressions, which is based on Station Street, to honour members of the community who play their part in making Ashfield a better place to live.

If you would like to nominate someone for an Ashfield Rose, call Stephen Thirkill on 01623 450292 or email

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