The cheapest and most expensive streets in Mansfield

Portland Street MansfieldPortland Street Mansfield
Portland Street Mansfield
A quiet lane in Mansfield Woodhouse boasts the most expensive properties in the region, a study has shown.

Littlewood Lane’s average house prices - according to property information site Mouseprice - stands at an eye-watering £734,733.

Next on the list Mansfield’s leafy High Oakham Drive, where the average prices are £681,020.

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The figure takes into account those living within the NG18, NG19 and NG20 postcodes, and the prices are calculated using average selling figures and includes the sales of the properties since 1995.

High Oakham Drive MansfieldHigh Oakham Drive Mansfield
High Oakham Drive Mansfield

Mansfield estate agent John Sankey told the Chad he was surprised by Littlewood Lane’s inclusion on the list, given that many of the homes on that road sit well below the average house prices for the area.

He said: “It’s a crazy mix, I don’t think I’ve seen a variation quite like it.

“There are properties for £50,000 and some for over £925,000 that’s pushing that average price right up.

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“For those living in the lower-cost homes, they must be laughing because if people come along and build huge properties it will only put the value of their homes up as well. With High Oakham Drive, it’s size and location - those houses are four, five and six bedrooms, but in my view the location is one of the best in the town.

High Oakham Drive MansfieldHigh Oakham Drive Mansfield
High Oakham Drive Mansfield

“It’s a private and narrow road, and there’s only a few houses there, and they are individually-built properties, there’s no others like them in the area.”

Neil Temple, residential director at estate agents David Blount Ltd said location was Littlewood Lane’s biggest draw. Littlewood Lane is partly down to aspiration – wanting to live in a better area,” he said.

“More specifically, it is the idea of living somewhere slightly more remote, surrounded by countryside and the River Meden meandering through the valley, yet only 10 minutes from civilisation.”

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But for those wanting to pick up a bargain, Mansfield has the cheapest properties in the region.

Portland Street comes out on top, with the average property prices being just £43,906, followed by Cropwell Court where a home will set you back £46,887.

Again, Mr Temple says this is more to do with position than size of the properties.

He said: “Portland Street is sadly down to location.

“It’s one of the busiest road junctions in Mansfield, close to the football ground and mixed area in terms of residential, industrial and commercial premises.”

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With a reputation to aspire to buy luxury homes on the likes of Littlewood Lane and High Oakham Drive, availability may be an issue with figures showing that just seven properties on those roads have been sold in the past 21 years.

In contrast, the most properties in the region exchanging hands is on Chesterfield Road North and Eakring Road.

With prices at a more modest £104,743 and £152,133 respectively, more than 430 homes have been bought and sold across those two streets since 1995.

Mr Sankey says the sheer size of Chesterfield Road North could affect the figures, as well as traffic levels.

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He said: “Main roads like this have become so busy people have been put off them, the traffic has become heavy from the 1970s and 80s onwards.”

Mr Temple added that the relatively low average prices on Chesterfield Road North means first and second-time buyers can move more frequently.

“However, we need to be careful here as a large number of properties were purchased by the council from the owners as part of the redevelopment of the area,” he added.

“This could certainly affect the figures. The local housing market remains very strong and the beginning of 2016 has been particularly encouraging. However, the market may be stifled if the number of properties coming on to the market does not match the number of people who are looking. Therefore, if people are thinking of moving, now is the time to market their property.”


Portland Street £43,906

Cropwell Court £46,887

Rockley Way £49,804

Trowell Court £50,294

Yew Tree Avenue £50,761

Most Expensive

Littlewood Lane £734,733

High Oakham Drive £681,020

Waterson Oaks £601,856

Roebuck Drive £526,246

North Park £488,984

Most houses to have been sold since 1995

Chesterfield Road North £104,743 228 sales

Eakring Road £152,133 203 sales

Victoria Street £70,600 194 sales

Big Barn Lane £132,132 190 sales

Nottingham Road £199,736 174 sales

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