More than 15 caravans pitch up on Mansfield playing field

Travellers on site at Bellamy Road.Travellers on site at Bellamy Road.
Travellers on site at Bellamy Road.
More than 15 caravans have pitched up on a large open playing field in Mansfield.

The travellers arrived at the large open space in Bellamy Road either late last night (August 11) or early this morning (August 12).

The land is owned by Mansfield District Council, which has been made aware of the encampment and is taking action at the site.

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A spokeswoman for the authority confirmed that neighbourhood wardens have been on site to talk to the travellers in a bid to move them on.

Travellers on site at Bellamy Road.Travellers on site at Bellamy Road.
Travellers on site at Bellamy Road.

She said: "We are aware of reports and our neighbourhood wardens are checking out the situation and conducting welfare checks if necessary.

"We are now going through the usual legal process to remove them. We’ll provide an update as soon as we know more."

The arrival of the camp follows reports last week of a group of travellers pitching up at the car park of a Forest Town medical practice.

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Staff at the Crown Medical Centre were forced to temporarily close the practice and advised patients to "re-book appointments" when the camp was on site on August 6.

Travellers on site at Bellamy Road.Travellers on site at Bellamy Road.
Travellers on site at Bellamy Road.

Mansfield District Council is currently undertaking a district-wide consultation on plans to develop four permanent traveller sites across Mansfield, Mansfield Woodhouse and Warsop.

Fifteen sites are up for consultation, with plans to create sites for travellers, gypsies and travelling show people.