Ollerton school celebrates after being rated 'good'

Nursery pupils from the Puffin group join the Parkgate Academy principal Mark Nunn and class teacher Amanda Clifford who are celebrating their 'Good' Ofsted report.Nursery pupils from the Puffin group join the Parkgate Academy principal Mark Nunn and class teacher Amanda Clifford who are celebrating their 'Good' Ofsted report.
Nursery pupils from the Puffin group join the Parkgate Academy principal Mark Nunn and class teacher Amanda Clifford who are celebrating their 'Good' Ofsted report.
The Parkgate Academy in Ollerton is celebrating after being judged a good school by Ofsted

The education watchdog visited The Parkgate Academy, and rated the school good in all categories.

Inspectors praised the senior leaders of the school, which is part of The Forge Trust, and stated they are an 'excellent team.'

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Nursery pupils from the Puffin group join the Parkgate Academy principal Mark Nunn and class teacher Amanda Clifford who are celebrating their 'Good' Ofsted report.Nursery pupils from the Puffin group join the Parkgate Academy principal Mark Nunn and class teacher Amanda Clifford who are celebrating their 'Good' Ofsted report.
Nursery pupils from the Puffin group join the Parkgate Academy principal Mark Nunn and class teacher Amanda Clifford who are celebrating their 'Good' Ofsted report.

"Leaders have cultivated an effective staff team. Staff are proud to work at the school and value the support of leaders.

"The principal, supported by the vice-principal and assistant principal, are rapidly improving the quality of education pupils receive.

"They have accurately identified the strengths and weaknesses which exist in school and are committed to making further improvements to teaching and learning."

Mark Nunn, principal, said he is proud of staff at the school.

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The pupils at The Parkgate Academy were also mentioned in the report for their behaviour.

"Pupils enjoy coming to school," The report continues.

"They are tolerant, polite and friendly. Pupils behave well."

Mr Nunn added: "Children may have disagreements, as children do, but we don't have incidents where children are picked on for, say, the colour of their skin - they are very tolerant."

Mr Nunn was also praised for 'transforming the reputation of the school'.

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Inspectors wrote in the report: "The principal leads by example. He is well respected by staff and pupils and has the overwhelming support of parents and carers.

"Together with support from the trust, he has established strong partnerships with parents and the local community. He has transformed the reputation of the school since his arrival.

"A typical parental comment was, ‘My children are doing brilliantly. I cannot recommend the school highly enough.’"

Safeguarding at the school is effective, and Mr Nunn says keeping children safe is a priority.

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The report states: "There is an effective safeguarding culture in school. Leaders are tenacious in seeking, and providing, support for vulnerable pupils and families."

Mr Nunn added: "Safeguarding is a massive priority, parents know the school is vigilant, and children's welfare is so important."

To be rated outstanding - the highest rating a school can be awarded, the school must now 'improve the effectiveness of leadership and management', and 'improve the effectiveness of teaching, learning and assessment and improve outcomes'.

Mr Nunn says that staff are already working towards achieving outstanding, when the school is next inspected in four years time, and that he wants to make The Parkgate Academy a school the whole community can be proud of."

You can read the full report here: ofsted.gov.uk/v1/file/50082921

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