Mansfield's salute to armed forces day

A snappy salute from ex RMP Glynn Brown.A snappy salute from ex RMP Glynn Brown.
A snappy salute from ex RMP Glynn Brown.
Flag-waving crowds gathered in Mansfield to show their appreciation for our armed forces.

Market Square played host to the annual armed forces day, featuring stalls, a parade, and even a Spitfire.

Mansfield District Corps of Drums led a parade, from the Buttercross, along West Gate to the Market Place.

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The mayor of Mansfield Andy Abrahams, along with the council's Armed Forces Champion Councillor John Smart, opened the event, and presented a medal to one of the town's D Day veterans, 96-year-old Jim Wain.

A snappy salute from ex RMP Glynn Brown.A snappy salute from ex RMP Glynn Brown.
A snappy salute from ex RMP Glynn Brown.
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D Day veteran, 96, to receive medal on Mansfield's Armed Forces Day

Crowds were then entertained by rockabilly swing group Moonshiners, and vintage dance band The Ashby 'little' Big Band.

Other attractions included free top secret activity booklets, free children’s face painting, a display of vintage military vehicles and craft market with more than 30 stalls.

In a boost to the economy, armed forces day saw 69.8 per cent more people in town than on the previous Sunday, meaning around 5,000 more people than usual flocked to the town centre.

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Owner Malcolm Booth carefully watches Paul Wilford and Michael Rawson handle a WW2 stengun.Owner Malcolm Booth carefully watches Paul Wilford and Michael Rawson handle a WW2 stengun.
Owner Malcolm Booth carefully watches Paul Wilford and Michael Rawson handle a WW2 stengun.

Armed forces day is a national day to show support for the men and women who make up the Armed Forces community: from currently serving troops to service families, veterans and cadets.

It takes place on the last Saturday each June, and was celebrated in Mansfield on Sunday 30.

Armed Forces Day celebrations begin on June 24, when the armed forces day flag is raised on buildings and famous landmarks around the country.

The day was organised by Mansfield Business Improvement District (BID) in collaboration with Mansfield District Council, with additional funding from the Ministry of Defence.

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Sue Rogers, who is Mansfield BID's events co-ordinator, organised the event.

She said: "It was really well-attended, with a great atmosphere and a great feeling around the town centre.

"We've had a lot of good feedback from stallholders, and visitors. The layout was a bit different this year, which allowed for the static Spitfire to be displayed and a longer parade - which I think featured more people than ever before.

"The sun shone all day, which was perfect, and the charities involved were able to do a lot fundraising.

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"We'd like to thank the stallholders, and of course the public who attended. But, most of all, we want to say thank you members of the Armed Forces past and present, because it was about Mansfield saying thank to them for their work."

Mansfield's MP, Ben Bradley said: “Armed Forces Day is an opportunity for us to say thank you to the 34,750 men and women in the East Midlands, working to keep our country safe from increasing threats around the world. The Conservatives will always prioritise defence; we recognise the sacrifice our brave Armed Forces have made for our country and want Britain to remain a global leader in defence.

"I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of those across Nottinghamshire who are in the regular service, the reserves, the cadets and our brave veterans. The sacrifices that they make for our country must never be forgotten.

"Having worked with veterans charity Care after Combat I know only too well how important it is to ensure that our veterans receive the support that they need once they leave the armed forces.

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"Over the weekend it was fantastic to see Mansfield town centre so busy in support of Armed Forces Day. My constituents in Mansfield have a huge amount of respect for our forces and I was really proud to see how much support everyone gave our armed forces.”