Green-fingered volunteers plant 500 trees to create a community woodland in Rainworth

Young volunteers from around Rainworth have been planting new trees and learning how to look after our environment.

The event saw 75 volunteers create a new woodland area by planting more than 500 trees in the green space between Little John Drive, South Avenue and Python Hill Road.

The young trees will create a diverse woodland of silver birches, oaks and rowan, for future generations to enjoy.

The event was organised by Nottingham Community Housing Association, the landowner.

Chris Pryke-Hendy, NCHA head of sustainability, said: “We want to say a big thank you to all the volunteers. It’s been especially amazing to see so many young children showing interest in reducing their carbon footprint by getting stuck into caring for the environment.

“It really goes to show the power nature and the great outdoors can have on us as a community. We hope local residents will now join us in caring for this green space, so the new trees can thrive and create great new habitats for a variety of local species. It’s up to us all to protect our green spaces for many future generations to come.”

Many of the younger volunteers came from Rainworth’s The Python Hill Academy.

Anita Evans and her family planted 28 trees between them.

She said: “It is important to us that our children are very aware of caring for the environment.

“Harvey and George have been proudly telling friends and family what they did.

“We are super proud of them, and that the few hours it took to help plant the trees will help the environment for many years.”