LETTER: Headstocks are as divisive as Brexit

Clipstone HeadstocksClipstone Headstocks
Clipstone Headstocks
Clipstone headstocks are undoubtedly emotive and as divisive as Brexit.

Some, like me who, I am proud to say, may have been one of the the first to suggest to the local authority that they should be listed, think that they are a splendid example of industrial sculpture (eg, the Golden Gate Bridge at San Francisco).

While others, such as Barry Martin (letters, March 15) strongly disagree.

I think he is wrong in at least one respect.

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Most who support retention are not ‘faceless’. Some, including myself, may not live in Clipstone but do enjoy seeing the headstocks, even in their current state of neglect, at least once a week from car or bus.

Apart from that, I only have to travel about half a mile from home to view them on the skyline.

As for traffic congestion, although the likelihood is undeniable I am sure that could also be presented as an argument to demolish Stonehenge and other significant structures.

Bob Renshaw


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