MUD-GATE: Has street sweeping made any difference in Huthwaite?

Can you tell which one of these was taken after a street cleaner passed through Huhtwaite?Can you tell which one of these was taken after a street cleaner passed through Huhtwaite?
Can you tell which one of these was taken after a street cleaner passed through Huhtwaite?
Can you tell the difference in these images taken before and after a street sweeper passed through Huthwaite?

Huthwaite residents are continuing their fight against developers trawling mud through their village, and claim that street cleaners aren't doing anything to help the situation.

After protests and pressure form both the Labour party and Ashfield Independents, owners of Brierley Forest Golf Course said they would increase wheel washing and street sweeping to tidy up after the convoy of lorries driving on and off the site for a project.

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One resident took both of these pictures on Main Street before and after a street cleaner cleaned up after a lorry - and said it made no impact whatsoever.

Images Courtesy Kirsty Lancaster.Images Courtesy Kirsty Lancaster.
Images Courtesy Kirsty Lancaster.

Read more:

Muddy-water-gate prompts protest in Notts villageVIDEO Residents plagued by mud and noiseGolf club plans to remodel course with 250,000 tonnes of earthKirsty Lancaster said: "A lorry passed and threw mud all over the road... the next picture is after the 'cleaning lorry' had passed."

The photos were shared on the Huthwaite and Brierley Community page of Facebook, and were met by further complaints.

Jade Carter said: "Me and my 6months old had mud flicked off the lorry at us other day."

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This image was taken after a street cleaner had done it's job of clearing up after a lorry.This image was taken after a street cleaner had done it's job of clearing up after a lorry.
This image was taken after a street cleaner had done it's job of clearing up after a lorry.

Richard Howarth said: "It's about time something was done now, how long have us residents have to put up with this mess!!!!"

Amanda Franks said: "It's beyond a joke! Common road is awful, my daughter dropped her book bag this morning and it got covered in mud because it's just being washed down common road. It really is disgusting."

Katie Louise said: "I've just drove down there and passed a lorry on the way which was flinging mud everywhere and making the road very slippy. Had to drive really slow down the road and avoid the MASSIVE lumps of mud on the road."

This is the second time residents have been up in arms about a project at the Golf course dragging mud through the village. A previous project prompted a similar response in 2013.