Man fined nearly £600 for dropping cigarette in Mansfield

A man has been fined 600 for dropping a cigarette.A man has been fined 600 for dropping a cigarette.
A man has been fined 600 for dropping a cigarette.
A man has been fined nearly £600 for dropping a cigarette in Mansfield.

Steven Bowler, 32, of Elder Street, Sutton, did not enter a plea at Southern Derbyshire Magistrates' Court but the case was proved in his absence.

The court was told that Bowler was seen by a council neighbourhood warden dropping a cigarette end on the ground in the Market Place on May 14, 2018.

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He was issued with a £75 Fixed Penalty Notice but never paid it so the case was taken to court.

Mansfield Councillor Bill Drewett said: "There is just no excuse for dropping cigarette butts - or any kind of litter - on the ground anywhere.

"There are plenty of litter bins around the town centre - and even if there aren't any bins, people should take their litter home rather than discarding it on the ground. This is very basic civilised behaviour and most people do not have a problem with abiding by it.

"This particular offender compounded the punishment for his offence by not paying his Fixed Penalty Notice. People should be clear about Fixed Penalty Notices - ignore them at your peril, because the council will not ignore them and will pursue non-payers to court if they are not paid."

Bowler was fined £220 and ordered to pay costs of £346.90 and a victim surcharge of £30.

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