Labour branch nominations for the next Mansfield MP candidate roll in

David Prescott, Sonya Ward and Neil Clayton.David Prescott, Sonya Ward and Neil Clayton.
David Prescott, Sonya Ward and Neil Clayton.
According to Labour party sources Sonya Ward, Mansfield's party leader, has been nominated at each party branch which has voted for the new MP candidate so far.

It is understood that Mansfield Labour West Branch nominated David Prescott, the son of former Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott, and Sonya Ward for the candidacy.

Mansfield Labour East Branch announced on their Facebook page that they nominated Sonya Ward and Neil Clayton, an solicitor from Leicester who was born in Mansfield.

Sonya Ward and David Prescott were also nominated by the Warsop Labour branch.

Mansfield North and South branches are to select their nominations on Thursday and Friday.