'Heartless' thieves steal 98-year-old woman's mobility scooter in Kirkby - then destroy it

Police are investigating.Police are investigating.
Police are investigating.
'Heartless' thieves stole a mobility scooter from a 98-year-old woman in Kirkby - then it was later found destroyed.

The scooter was stolen from the woman's front garden in Oak Street between 12.30pm and 4.35pm last Sunday.

Her handbag, which contained a quantity of cash and was inside the scooter, was also taken.

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Police said the scooter was later found smashed up at a park.

Inspector Glenn Longden said: "This was a heartless theft of a vehicle which this elderly victim relied upon.

"Our investigation is ongoing and we're following a number of lines of enquiry.

"We're appealing to anyone who saw anything or who has any information which could help us with our enquiries to call us on 101, quoting incident number 594 of July 15, 2018, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."

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