Former Sherwood Foresters' soldier living in Mansfield returned to jail after supplement theft

"He was seen to take security tags from protein shakes and looked as if he was behaving suspiciously.""He was seen to take security tags from protein shakes and looked as if he was behaving suspiciously."
"He was seen to take security tags from protein shakes and looked as if he was behaving suspiciously."
A stressed ex-soldier has been returned to jail after being arrested in Mansfield when shoplifting to raise cash.

Magistrates made the decision after hearing that no state benefit payments had been arranged for Simon Ward on his release from custody. They were told that he had been given a conditional discharge for a similar offence and was on probation following his release from prison. Simon Greaves, mitigating, said that Ward, 44, served with the Worcester and Sherwood Foresters' Regiment. He suffers from post traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety. He has managed to beat a severe drugs addiction and had been living with a friend in James Murray Mews, Mansfield, the court heard during a sitting on Saturday. Mr Greaves said: "Following his release from prison, benefits were not in place. "As a consequence, he borrowed from others. The people he borrowed from were very clear they wanted the money back quickly and put him under a great deal of pressure. "As a consequence, he went into the store, took the items and left without paying. It was a pretty unsophisticated shop theft." Since then, Ward had discovered that he was able to get financial help as a forces' veteran. He had hoped to see staff at Mansfield District Council on Monday, July 2, to get help in finding a new home. "He could get a bond for assistance in buying white goods," said Mr Greaves, who told the court that Ward felt there had been "miscommunication with the probation service." A probation report said that Ward had attended eight out of 17 appointments since his release from prison. "It has been difficult to engage because of his chaotic lifestyle. We were under the impression he was of no fixed abode," the report added. Ward pleaded guilty to theft of creatine, a protein supplement, from Four Seasons, Mansfield on Thursday, June 28. He was jailed for six weeks and must pay a £115 government surcharge. Miss Sumaiya Khan, prosecuting, told the court: "He was seen to take security tags from protein shakes and looked as if he was behaving suspiciously. "He was approached twice by the manager of the store. He rejected her offers of help and left the store with the items in a bag," said Miss Khan. The security tags were found in one of the shopping aisles. When detained, Ward still had the items in a bag. He refused to be interviewed by police officers, added Miss Khan.


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