Forest Town man launched 'brutal and sustained attack' on ex before strangling her

Joe Liffen.Joe Liffen.
Joe Liffen.
A Forest Town man has been jailed for 14 years after police arrived at a house to find him strangling his ex-partner.

Joe Liffen was seen by an officer with his hands around the throat of the victim, who had lost consciousness, following a brutal and sustained attack, during which time he also punched the victim repeatedly.

Liffen, 26, of Cardle Close, jumped out of the bedroom window and fled after Nottinghamshire Police arrived at the scene at the victim's home in Mansfield Woodhouse, in the early hours of November 15 2016.

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Liffen admitted causing grievous bodily harm, breaching a restraining order and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice at a previous hearing. At Nottingham Crown Court today (Thursday 9 February) he was sentenced to 11 years for GBH, three years for conspiracy to pervert the course of justice, to run consecutively and one year for breaching a restraining order, to run concurrently.

His aunt, Samantha Bailey, 48, of Chapel Fields, Ravenshead, was also sentenced to 15 months in prison after admitting conspiracy to pervert the course of justice.

The court was told Liffen had previously received an 18-week jail sentence for assaulting the victim in March 2015 and a two-year restraining order, effective from his release, banning him from making contact with her. Despite the order he repeatedly made contact with her and tried to rekindle their relationship.

Liffen had a drink and drugs problem and was a "jealous" man, the court was told.

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On the day of the latest assault, Liffen told the victim he was going to visit his ex-wife in Manchester. She then went for a night out with friends in Mansfield and was given a lift home by a male friend, who came into the house to use her downstairs toilet. When she went upstairs Liffen was waiting for her and put his hand over her mouth and told her not to speak, before throwing her on to the bed and repeatedly punching her in the face and head.

The 16st Liffen then sat on top of the 8st victim and started to strangle her.

Her friend heard the ordeal from downstairs and phoned the police, who arrived quickly and entered the house while the attack was still ongoing, before Liffen escaped.

The victim regained consciousness but started having seizures. She suffered bruising to her face and head, neck and throat and had a one-inch cut to the top of her left thigh.

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Officers tracked down Liffen later that day and arrested him.

The court was told that while Liffen was remanded in custody in connection with the offence he sent numerous texts to the victim, trying to encourage her not to turn up to court to give evidence against him.

He also colluded with Bailey in an attempt to make her miss the court appearance.

The court was told Bailey paid for a hotel and beauty treatments in Nottingham for the victim on the day of the court appearance before sending a text saying "I'm making someone disappear."

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Speaking after the case, Temporary Detective Inspector Nikki Smith, of Nottinghamshire Police, who led the investigation, said: "This was a vicious, sustained attack on a vulnerable woman who had no chance of defending herself.

"She is lucky to be alive after the attack and, as the judge said, if it hadn't been for the fast response of our officers this could have had an even more serious ending.

"Both Liffen and Bailey also put pressure on this vulnerable woman to miss her court date in an attempt to avoid justice being done.

"Domestic violence will not be tolerated in any form in Nottinghamshire and we would urge anyone who is a victim or a witness to domestic abuse to call us and we will do everything in our power to bring the perpetrators before the court."