Fly tipping falls in Ashfield figures show

Fly tipping near the railway footbridge at Kirkby, pic by Toby Alexander Metcalf.Fly tipping near the railway footbridge at Kirkby, pic by Toby Alexander Metcalf.
Fly tipping near the railway footbridge at Kirkby, pic by Toby Alexander Metcalf.
Ashfield District Council chiefs claim the authority is winning the fight against fly-tippers as latest figures show a 15 per cent decrease in fly-tipping service requests compared with last year.

The new figures also show that Ashfield District is the second lowest authority in Nottinghamshire for fly-tipping.

Ashfield District Council has been waging a war against fly-tippers for some time. This includes buying camouflaged cameras which have been deployed in fly-tipping hotspots across the District.

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Sting operations have also been carried out as part of the BIG Ashfield Spring Clean 2019, targeting rogue waste contractors who do not dispose of waste responsibly.

Councillor Helen-Ann Smith, Deputy Leader of the Council said: “The 15 per cent decrease in fly-tipping is welcome news. We are not resting on our laurels though. We are however working hard to make it easier for residents to get rid for their rubbish via the Spring Clean. We are coming down like a ton of bricks on those who ruin our environment. As a Council, we are determined to clean up our District and these latest figures show that we are doing exactly that.”

Councillor Jason Zadrozny, Leader of the Council added: “One of this Council’s number one priorities is to improve our environment. I would like to thank our fantastic employees for doing exactly that. If you look deeper into the figures, they show that an average only 0.04 per cent of households fly tip. Those are the people we’re after so if you fly tip, we will catch you.

“Every bit of fly-tipping is now thoroughly investigated and we will do everything we can to identify the culprits. The figures also show that we’re now doing better than most authorities in the fight against fly-tipping. Considering that Ashfield is the biggest District in Nottinghamshire, to be performing better than most other authorities is great news. I would like to thank responsible residents, together we can clean up our District.”

The figures show Broxtowe top with 779 incidents which is 0.01 per household. Ashfield is second with 2283 or 0.04 incidents. Mansfield is fifth with 3499 or 0.06.