Do Mansfield workers or Ashfield workers get paid more on average?

Mansfield and Ashfield are below the minimum wageMansfield and Ashfield are below the minimum wage
Mansfield and Ashfield are below the minimum wage
'‹The median income of households in the Mansfield and Ashfield has dropped '˜substantially' below average, a new report shows.

According to the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the median household income in the Midlands is £459 per week, compared with the UK median of £486.

The median income of households in the Mansfield and Ashfield has dropped ‘substantially’ below average, a new report shows.

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The median weekly pay for full-time workers in Mansfield is £395, and £453 for Ashfield.

Sutton, however, was above the national median, with wages per week coming to £554.

​​The BBC has published the results of a survey that revealed salaries are unsurprisingly highest in London, with the average weekly pay standing at £727, with other highest earning cities being in the South-East.

This is attributed to the fact that these areas are home to highly-skilled workers that are close to London where they can command higher pay.

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There is a clear North-South divide, as many of the lowest earning areas are north of the Midlands with Barnsley, Doncaster and Wigan on the list of low earners.

The BBC found that to improve wages in poorly-paid towns and cities, the key is to make more high-quality jobs that contribute most to the economy available to people living there.

Only 15 of the UK’s largest towns and cities had earnings above the national average.

Workers in 48 other areas of the same size were earning less than the average.

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Sherwood MP Mark Spencer said: “I am under no illusions about the challenges our region faces in this regard. There is a complex variety of reasons for this and it would be wrong to attribute it for any one factor.”

He added: “For me, the solution is clear; the Government should continue to support the economic growth in the area by investing in business to provide jobs, in infrastructure to better connect the area, and in education to ensure young people get the best start in life.

Coupled with the existing policy of taking the lowest paid out of income tax altogether, it is through these measures that we can close the regional gap.”

Senior and technical roles usually top lists of high earners with median weekly pay for pilots and aircraft engineers coming to £1,800, and chief executives £1,580.

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Lowest earning occupations included waiters, earning £266 per week, and bar staff earning £274- jobs that are less likely to provide security or employee benefits.

However, economically it is not all doom and gloom- a labour force survey from the ONS shows that between December 2017- February 2018, the number of people in work increased, and the employment rate stands at 75.4%, the highest since 1971.