Knife-wielding man 'with hood around face' burgles Notts shop

The shop, in Toton.The shop, in Toton.
The shop, in Toton.
A man who "had his hood pulled tightly round his face" and who was carrying a large knife has burgled a Nottinghamshire shop.

Officers received a report at 10.50am today (Friday, June 21), that the man entered the Toton News and Off Licence store in High Road.

He demanded money from the till before fleeing the scene on a bicycle.

No-one was injured during the incident.

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The shop, in Toton.The shop, in Toton.
The shop, in Toton.

The man, who is white and believed to be aged 20-25, rode off towards Manor Park.

Nottinghamshire Police's enquiries are ongoing, including checking CCTV footage, and they have increased police presence in the area to provide reassurance to residents.

Detective Sergeant Charlotte Henson said: “If any members of the public see this man we’d ask them not to approach him but to call us immediately.

“We’re appealing for anyone who saw anything, anyone who may have recorded CCTV or dash-cam footage of the incident or anyone who has any other information which could help our investigation to contact us.”

If you can help please call Nottinghamshire Police on 101, quoting incident number 291 of June 21, 2019, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.