Council to bid on Notts medieval farming estate

Laxton VillageLaxton Village
Laxton Village
Nottinghamshire County Council is weighing up an opportunity to buy the Laxton Village Estate, near Ollerton - the only place in Europe to still operate the medieval traditions of open field farming.

The council is leading a project with Nottingham Trent University on a potential bid for the 1,900 acre site with a view to developing it as an educational asset, linked to the nearby Brackenhurst Campus which is also operated by the university.

Laxton survived the Enclosures Act of 1845 which meant that it retained the historic three-field farming system, which is still used today.

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The estate is currently owned by the Crown Estate and comprises of agricultural land, 10 residential properties, 17 farms, a public house, visitor centre and museum buildings.

The farmland and associated houses are leased to 14 tenant farmers.

Professor Edward Peck, Vice-Chancellor of the university, said: “While discussions are in the early stages, we are keen to work with the council to help find a viable future for the estate and to help preserve and protect the last remaining medieval farming system of its kind.”

The Annual Court Leet is held in the village each November.