Two tough challenges for Mansfield rally co-driver Phil Hall

Rally co-driver Phil Hall (PHOTO BY: M-Sport/JWRC).Rally co-driver Phil Hall (PHOTO BY: M-Sport/JWRC).
Rally co-driver Phil Hall (PHOTO BY: M-Sport/JWRC).
Rally co-driver Phil Hall, of Mansfield, is bracing himself for two of the toughest challenges of his career.

This weekend, Hall takes on the legendary Tour de Corse in France in the second round of the Junior World Rally Championship (JWRC) before he tackles Mount Everest at a lung-bursting 18,000 feet a week later.

The Everest challenge is part of the 30-year-old Hall’s training as a Royal Air Force reservist. Although he plans to climb to the Nepalese base camp of the highest mountain above sea level, he won’t attempt the summit.

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For now, though, he is concentrating on racing and the Corsican rally will be his third stab at the Mediterranean island event. Alongside fellow Brit Tom Williams, he will be aiming to build on his career-best fourth place at Rally Sweden last month.

It is a real test, with sheer rock faces and huge cliff-edge drops, not to mention tight and twisty roads through villages and 350 kilometres of flat-out action.

Hall said: “This is one of the most challenging rallies I have ever contested and although it’s hard for the driver, it takes the co-driver’s seat to another level. The nature of the roads and the detail required in the notes mean I have to be perfect.”

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