We need a miracle to save our little fighter

Dawson Wilcox, two pictured with Dad David and Mum WendyDawson Wilcox, two pictured with Dad David and Mum Wendy
Dawson Wilcox, two pictured with Dad David and Mum Wendy
As well wishers from around the world showered a Sutton tot with love on his second birthday, his parents insist the fight is not yet over to save his life.

Tiny Dawson Willcock who is suffering from a rare form of cancer has received more than 1,000 hearts from as far afield as the Bronx New York and Germany.

Dawson’s parents David and Wendy were devastated when doctors told them the treatment for their son would in all probability not save him.

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The Sutton couple have raised more than £350,000 they had hoped would have sent him to an American clinic with pioneering treatment for the rare heptoblastoma which has blighted his young life.

Dawson Wilcox, two pictured with Dad David and Mum WendyDawson Wilcox, two pictured with Dad David and Mum Wendy
Dawson Wilcox, two pictured with Dad David and Mum Wendy

News of his fight has spread around the world.

Wendy asked if people could send a paper heart with a message on for his birthday on September 20

She said: “We were hoping to make a little book to show Dawson who supported him.

“It was supposed to have been for his 18tth birthday but we realise this is probably not going to happen now.”

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Dawson Wilcox, two pictured with hearts sent by well wishersDawson Wilcox, two pictured with hearts sent by well wishers
Dawson Wilcox, two pictured with hearts sent by well wishers

The family were overwhelmed when hundreds of well wishers sent all sorts of hearts from intricately carved wooden artwork to a book full of paper hearts from year 10 Ashfield School pupils.

Wendy has written to thank many of them.

A little girl from Germany sent him an angel protection key ring. A school class in San Diego California sent hearts.

She said; “It has been overwhelming - strangers will do so much for you . A lot are parents themselves and they thank God it is not their child .

Dawson Wilcox, two pictured with Dad David and Mum WendyDawson Wilcox, two pictured with Dad David and Mum Wendy
Dawson Wilcox, two pictured with Dad David and Mum Wendy

It gives us so much strength getting so much support .

“On our Facebook page we always try and keep our posts positive.

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“The prognosis for Dawson is very poor and he is on chemotherapy to lengthen his life.

“But it is not over yet, we have not given up on Dawson.

Dawson Wilcox, two pictured with hearts sent by well wishersDawson Wilcox, two pictured with hearts sent by well wishers
Dawson Wilcox, two pictured with hearts sent by well wishers

“His condition is rare but it is normally a treatable type of cancer.

“But Dawson has not responded well to treatment.”

Wendy said Dawson’s oncologist was looking into trials for a new drug which he could take part in now he is two.

She said: “We are hoping for a miracle. He has got to improve it has got to work somehow for him to be well enough.”

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A pioneering drug trial in Cincinanati seemed to offer hope but the family was told it would only extend his life for a short time.

Dawson now spends his time at home with his family where he is receiving palliative care and every minute they are able to spend with him is acutely precious to them.

His father David administers small daily doses of the chemotherapy which prolongs his son’s life through a syringe into his mouth.

Dawson has a permanent nose tube for anti-sickness medication.

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The cancer in his stomach and liver has bloated his abdomen and he is painfully thin.

David said: “He very much enjoys life he still has a lot of life in him.

“He loves watching Postman Pat and Thomas the Tank Engine and Paw Patrol.

“Dawson is a fighter and he still likes to stay up as long as he can.”

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“Over the last month or so he has started to realises now that though he wants to run around and play like any other two year old he can’t and he is not the same.”

He acknowledges their time together will now probably be very short.

“As his parents we will know when he has had enough and we will stop with the medication.

The family are still going ahead with fundraising and if th e money is not spent on Dawson they want to make a legacy for him for other childrens’ lives

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Wendysaid: “We want to set up a big static caravan where children with cancer and their families can get away from it all.

“Whave already bene in talks with Butlins at Skegness - we have not touched any of the money yet.

“In parallel with the palliative care we are still looking for further trials for him. We have not written him off.”