Primary school 'requires improvements,' says Ofsted inspectors.

The Bramble Academy, has only scored as good in its Early years provisions.The Bramble Academy, has only scored as good in its Early years provisions.
The Bramble Academy, has only scored as good in its Early years provisions.
Bosses at Mansfield's Bramble Academy say they have a "robust action plan" in place after the school was ordered to improve.

The academy, rated "good" for its early years' provision,was found to "require improvement" during its first inspection as an academy.

Inspectors from the education watchdog visited the Oxclose Lane school in December and have said, in their newly published report, "not enough emphasis is placed upon teaching pupils about others beyond the school community".

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It was the first inspection of the academy, part of the Evolve Trust since 2015, although in its former guise, as Robin Hood Primary and Nursery School, it had been placed in special measures in 2014.

Simon Sharp, who became headteacher at the academy in September 2016, said they have a "robust action plan" to improve the school.

He said: “We have had strong support from the trust leadership team over the last 18 months and taking the Ofsted feedback we have a robust action plan in place to take the academy to the next level, which would be an overall good Ofsted grade.

"I am especially happy our Early Years Foundation Stage has been graded as good - this is well deserved for our Early years team who work incredibly hard and plan a fantastic curriculum to ensure their children are ready for Year One”

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Viv McTiffen, lead inspector in the case, found the school leaders, governors and academy trust leaders are making improvements, but they have not yet led to consistently good teaching, learning and attendance.

She said: "The guidance leaders give to teachers does not help them precisely enough to improve the teaching for specific groups of pupils.

"The curriculum is not fully effective in helping pupils to understand those from backgrounds different to their own.

"Pupils do not achieve as highly as they should because they do not make consistently good progress."

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She found teachers are improving the quality of teaching and are well supported by the trust.

She said: "Pastoral care helps those pupils who need support in their emotional and personal development. Pupils said they feel safe. They respond well to the improvements leaders have made to ensure positive behaviour."

Claire- Marie Cuthbert, trust chief executive officer, said “ While we still have a long way to go, I am proud to show off the progress the academy has made.

"I am pleased Inspectors have recognised the improvements made in behaviour, pastoral support for children and the way we have made improvements to teaching and learning.

"I am also delighted with the recognition been given to our teaching assistants for the brilliant work they do with our children.”