Seven-year-old Mansfield Woodhouse girl records charity single for Rainbow children's hospice

Poppy Hickman is raising money for Rainbows Hospice through the song she has recorded.Poppy Hickman is raising money for Rainbows Hospice through the song she has recorded.
Poppy Hickman is raising money for Rainbows Hospice through the song she has recorded.
A seven-year-old singer from Mansfield Woodhouse has launched a charity single to raise money for a children’s hospice.

Poppy Hickman’s song Imagination was especially composed for her and will be available for download on all major music streaming platforms from Friday, November 27.

Proceeds from the sale of the single will go to the Rainbows Hospice for Children and Young People.

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The song was written by Bradley Knight and Russ Stevens-Drake who run DPS Studios in Mansfield Woodhouse where Poppy recorded the song and also receives guitar tuition.

Bradley said: “Between lessons we worked on the song and lyrics until she was ready to record. The latest lockdown meant that we had to really rush through the last week of production to get everything completed but ultimately, we are happy with the finished song and promotional video.

"We never had any intention of trying to make anything personally from the project but wanted it to do some good for a charity. After talking to Poppy and her parents Mark and Hannah about this, Poppy decided that she wanted to do something for other children and so we looked around and found Rainbows Hospice - It just seemed like the perfect match as this was one of our working titles for the song from the very beginning.

“We really hope that the song generates a lot of money and awareness for Rainbows Hospice as it is such a wonderful and worthy cause.”

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Supporters have been flooding social media with comments about the song.

On Facebook, David Heather Iliffe said: “Well done guys and wonderfully performed young lady.” Maxine Thomas commented: “Poppy you are absolutely fabulous, well done that was amazing.” Kathleen Banner said: “Oh bless her, just beautiful, she’s got more guts than me, I couldn’t do it.”

A posting from the hospice on Facebook said: “What an absolutely beautiful song, thank you so much for supporting us Poppy, you're amazing.”

Poppy’s star potential was spotted by Bradley and Russ during the first lockdown when they organised a talent show for their neighbours on Halstead Close. Participants performed on driveways and Poppy stole the show with songs and dances to ABBA and High School Musical numbers. Bradley said: “Everyone was blown away by her confidence and presence.

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"A month later and another socially distanced street show for VE Day proved even more popular with residents. Once again, Poppy stole the show and at that point we promised that we would do something original especially for her. We came up with the song for her that is about dreams and a kinder, better world.”

Russ and Bradley are musicians who have spent a quarter of a century performing as a duo all over the country and abroad. They have written and produced theatre and music shows from their studio.

Rainbows is the only hospice for children and young people in the East Midlands and provides care and support for families impacted by life-limiting conditions.

The hospice needs £6 million every year to stay open and only gets 15% of its funding from government so is reliant on donations.