Plans to build more than 40 new homes would have 'detrimental impact' on Brinsley

Councillor Elizabeth Williamson on Brinsley Recreation Ground.Councillor Elizabeth Williamson on Brinsley Recreation Ground.
Councillor Elizabeth Williamson on Brinsley Recreation Ground.
A Brinsley councillor has strongly objected to plans that could see 42 extra houses built in the ‘already overstretched’ village.

Councillor Elizabeth Williamson has spoken out against plans contained in Ashfield District Council’s Government-enforced Housing Plan, which proposes dozens of new builds at Plainspot Farm, New Brinsley, located at the end of Frances Street.

Councillor Williamson claims that local roads including Plainspot Road and Main Street would struggle to cope with the additional traffic.

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She has also spoken of a lack of school places, poor public transport and the impact and lack of health provision in the area.

Coun Williamson said: “The proposals contained in Ashfield District Council’s draft Local Housing Plan would have a detrimental impact on Brinsley.

“While Brinsley is served by Broxtowe Borough Council – it’s impacted by decisions made in Ashfield.

“I and Brinsley Parish Council have officially objected to the plans. We appreciate that residents need houses but councils shouldn’t be forced to build houses on our fields just to satisfy targets set out hundreds of miles away.”

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The plans are in the initial consultation stage, and are set to be put on pause this week while Ashfield District Council decides on its next move.

Coun Williamson added: “I appreciate that this is an initial consultation and the plan will soon be paused – but we want to set out that this part of Brinsley is inappropriate for any more development.

“Brinsley Primary School is already at capacity, residents are lucky to get a face to face doctor’s appointment within two months and our roads are already completely overstretched.

“The site would only be accessible via two possible routes, the first one being as a continuation of Frances street, the second onto Main Road.

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“Access through Frances Street would be impossible as it is a very narrow street with housing on both sides which are very close to the narrow pavements.

“The second potential access road, on Main Street again would untenable as the location of the access would be onto a national speed limit road. This part of plan is undeliverable and that’s just one reason why we are against this.”