New community shop in Bildworth for Nottinghamshire Hospice

The shop, based in a former hardware stall,will be opened on SaturdayNovember 9The shop, based in a former hardware stall,will be opened on SaturdayNovember 9
The shop, based in a former hardware stall,will be opened on SaturdayNovember 9
Nottinghamshire Hospice is to open a new community shop in Blidworth selling high quality clothing and homeware and serving teas, coffees and cakes.

The shop, based in a former hardware stall at 41, Mansfield Road, Blidworth, will be opened on Saturday November 9 at 10am by Councillor Rob Crowe, chairman of Newark and Sherwood District Council.

Penny Cooper, head of retail at Nottinghamshire Hospice, said: “We’re excited about the new shop which we hope will become a hub for the local community. As well as browsing, people will be able to grab a cuppa, chat to our staff and learn more about the work of the hospice. We’d love you to join us at the opening for coffee and cake and to browse our stock.”

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The hospice, which provides quality palliative care for terminally ill patients in their own homes across Nottinghamshire plus support for their carers, is looking for volunteers for the shop. For details call 0115 910 1008 or email [email protected]

The shops form a crucial part of the work of Nottinghamshire Hospice, bringing in £1 million in income each year which goes towards the £3.4 million it costs to run the hospice’s services. They are the public face of the hospice in communities across Nottinghamshire and play a vital role in explaining what the hospice does.

The new shop at Blidworth will bring the total number of hospice shops across the city and county to ten.