More people reporting incidents of hate in Nottinghamshire

More people are reporting hate incidents in NottinghamshireMore people are reporting hate incidents in Nottinghamshire
More people are reporting hate incidents in Nottinghamshire
More people are reporting hate incidents in Nottinghamshire thanks to a growing public understanding and confidence in the police.

Nottinghamshire Police experienced a 28.5 per cent increase in hate incident reports in the year to April 2022, compared with the previous year.

The news comes after the start of a new force-led hate crime campaign to raise awareness of what a hate crime is and how people can report it.

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Superintendent Sukesh Verma, Nottinghamshire Police’s strategic hate lead, said: “As police officers we don’t typically want to see an increase in crime reporting, but when it comes to hate we know that many victims have been suffering in silence and not getting help.

“If anything I believe people are becoming more – not less – tolerant of difference in our society, but it’s also clear that some people in minority groups continue to experience hostility and prejudice. That isn’t acceptable and as police officers it’s our job to do something about it.

“It’s clear that the willingness for the public to report these types of incidents has increased and that can only be a good thing.”

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A hate crime is defined as 'any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person's race or perceived race; religion or perceived religion; sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation; disability or perceived disability and any crime motivated by hostility or prejudice against a person who is transgender or perceived to be transgender.'

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Supt Verma said: “As a force we want to encourage reporting hate incidents in order to gain an awareness to effectively tackle it with partner agencies. So if you or somebody you know are experiencing abuse or hostility for they way you live your life we want to hear from you. We will investigate to find out whether an offence has been committed will take action if necessary.”

To report a hate incident, you can call 999 in an emergency, 101 for non-emergencies or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. You can also report a hate incidents online at