Pensioner left stranded after weekly food money and bus fare stolen in Sutton shopping centre

Idlewells Shopping Centre.Idlewells Shopping Centre.
Idlewells Shopping Centre.
A pensioner's purse was stolen in Idlewells Shopping Centre, Sutton, which contained all of her money for a weekly shop.

A pensioner's purse was stolen in Idlewells Shopping Centre, Sutton, which contained all of her money for a weekly shop.

Pamela Symonds, from Kirkby who had her purse snatched from her shopping trolly, is "disgusted" that someone would steal from a pensioner.

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The 75-year-old said her purse contained £80, which was for her weekly shopping.

She said she believes her purse was taken on Friday, April 13, while she was outside the vegetable stall, Fruitarian outside B&M Bargains.

She said: "I know I didn't drop my purse - my mind's as clear as a bell.

"How can people have the nerve to steal from pensioners.

"After it was taken I didn't even have bus fare to get home.

"The purse had everything in it."

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She said she put her purse into her shopping trolley while she waited for her change from the vegetable stall.

Carrying on her shopping, she went to Birds on Low Street where she discovered her purse was missing.

She said she can only think of two people who were stood near her at the stall who had the opportunity to take it - a man and woman in their forties who were stood either side of her.

She said: "I noticed it was gone, I knew it had been taken. I felt so unwell one of the girls in the shop had to give me a glass of water - I was distraught.

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"I should have zipped the trolley up and been more careful.

"It kept me awake all night.

"If I found a purse, I would hand it in."

Pamela is now warning fellow shoppers to watch out while shopping.

She said: "People need to watch what is going on.

"I won't happen again I have learnt my lesson - I hope they had fun spending my money."

If you have any information ring Nottinghamshire Police on 101.