Sherwood MP urges people to ensure their vote counts in this week’s local elections

Mark Spencer MPMark Spencer MP
Mark Spencer MP
On Thursday, May 2, the local elections are taking place across Sherwood, writes Mark Spencer MP.

These elections are a chance to have a direct say in how your local authorities are run.

Local authorities are responsible for a huge number of services, such as emptying bins, managing and maintaining local parks, running many leisure centres, street cleaning, helping to manage anti-social behaviour and dealing with housing benefits.

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It’s important to remember that this is not a national election, it is about what changes you want to see on your doorstep.

These elections won’t decide national issues like Brexit, but they will decide things like how much money you want to spend on bins and how much you want to pay in council tax.

I hope you will all get out there and vote.

St George’s Day marked the end of the month-long ‘Great British Clean Up’.

During the campaign, there were groups out across the constituency, picking up litter and tidying up towns and villages.

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I want to say a huge thank you and a well done to every school, community group and individual that gave up their time to help with the clean-up.

My team and I have several more litter picks planned over the coming months.

If you want to get involved, please feel free to drop me a message.

I’ve also got some upcoming surgeries planned across the constituency, which are a chance for residents to sit down with me and discuss any issues or concerns face to face.

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If you want to come along, then please give my office a call and they can get you booked in.

Equally, if you aren’t able to get to one of my roaming surgeries, feel free to come along to my constituency office in Hucknall during the week to meet with one of my team.

Call ahead to book on 0115 9681186.

You can also follow me on Facebook at @MarkSpencerSherwood.