Mansfield market relaunches today

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A major £100,000 regeneration project to breathe new life into Mansfield Market Place has launched today (April 5).

The Mansfield District Council project will see all market stalls moved from Westgate onto the main Market Place and market days to run from Tuesday to Saturday - creating time for car boot sales, events and special markets to be held on Sundays.

The first day will see the newly refurbished, adapted or purchased stalls, new canopies, signage and welcoming decorations - as well as new umbrella-style stalls for entertainment and events.

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Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services Stewart Rickersey said: “The revamped market will be safe, welcoming and inviting for shoppers and with the new Business Incubation Scheme we intend to bring more variety to Market Place in the weeks and months ahead.

“We look forward to welcoming shoppers to the town over the coming months to take advantage of the fantastic produce and exciting events.”

The highlight of the launch will be on Saturday (April 9), with a day of entertainment from 11am to 3pm in the new performance area in front of the Town Hall.

There will be live music from the Gospel Choir, a steel pan band, the Maypole Goodtime Band, and klive performances by Sarah Adamson’s School of Dance.

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Mansfield 103.2 will also be broadcasting live, with presenters making appearances throughout the day to discuss the products on the market, commentate on the events and play top hit music.

Covent Garden entertainment will also make their first appearance with the Levitating Wizard, as well as the Stilt Walking Chef and a comedy act.

For children, there will be free face painting and the chance to meet Scoop the Dog.

As part of the project, the council is welcoming new market traders by offering rent-free stalls to traders who bring new products to the stalls.

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New traders who qualify for the Business Incubation Scheme pay a two month deposit for a stall for a year, giving them chance to build their business whilst bringing more choice to shoppers.

The first business to sign up to the scheme is HS Presents, finalists in the Mansfield 2020 Business Awards 2016, which operates a celebrity appearance company in Mansfield.

On Saturday, they will be on hand to entertain Star Wars fans by offering photo opportunities with a life sized Storm Trooper.

For more information, visit, like on the MyMansfieldUK Facebook page and follow using #MansfieldMarket on Twitter.