Lout smashed window and was abusive

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A vandal who smashed a window and was abusive to hospital staff as they tried to treat his injuries has been ordered to pay over £1,000 in fines, compensation and costs.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Friday, May 23, how Harry Tomlinson, 24, of Barlborough Road, Clowne, was involved in a fracas on Mill Street, Clowne, when he smashed a window at Heywood Estates and Lettings.

Prosecuting solicitor Sarah Haslam said: “East Midlands Ambulance Service contacted police. Various males were present and there had been a fight or altercation between youths. Tomlinson had punched a window causing it to smash and he needed to go to hospital because of his injuries. He was aggressive towards hospital staff and was cautioned about this and was interviewed by police and also accepted damaging the window.”

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Tomlinson also pleaded guilty to damaging the window after the incident on March 29. He also had to pay a £90 fixed penalty notice after he was cautioned for being aggressive towards hospital staff.

The court heard Tomlinson also has previous convictions including a shop theft and two damage offences.

Tomlinson, defending himself, said: “I was going out for a drink to celebrate a friend getting a new job and I retaliated after there was fighting in the street and because I had taken too much alcohol.

“I was being immature. I don’t have a problem with my temper.”

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Magistrates said they considered involving the probation service before sentencing but felt it was not necessary because it has been four years since Tomlinson was last in trouble. But they warned Tomlinson to control his temper. They fined Tomlinson £245 and ordered him to pay £723 compensation, £85 costs and a £25 victim surcharge.