LETTER: King's Mill through the eyes of a mother

King's Mill HospitalKing's Mill Hospital
King's Mill Hospital
I would like to take this opportunity to praise the staff at King's Mill Hospital in Sutton.

Recently, my five-year-old daughter broke her arm while playing on the monkey bars at our local park. 
The treatment that she received during her stay at King’s Mill Hospital was amazing. Every member of staff that we came into contact with was so caring and put her at ease.

In the children’s department, she received a teddy that followed her on her hospital journey.

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The teddy was named Diane after the nurse who cared for my daughter throughout the night. 
Diane the teddy accompanied her into theatre and it was lovely to see that Diane the teddy returned from theatre with a bandaged arm too.

It is the little things that make people feel special and every single person we came into contact with achieved this.

I myself work at King’s Mill Hospital on the stroke unit and I see firsthand the hard work and dedication of the team that I work in.

Although this was an unpleasant experience it was insightful to experience the hospital through the eyes of a protective mother.

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I really could not have asked for more for my daughter. I am so grateful to everyone who made us feel special during our stay.

I think it is worth sharing a message of thanks and gratitude to all the dedicated people that give us so much.

Tara Clarke

By email