Hospital's '˜outstanding' care celebrated by government minister on Mansfield visit


Mansfield Community Hospital09-2380-2

Mansfield Community Hospital
09-2380-2 Mansfield Community Hospital
The '˜outstanding' care at Mansfield Community Hospital has been praised by a government minister on her visit to the town.

Liz Truss, chief secretary to the treasury, visited the Lindhurst ward of the hospital with Mansfield’s MP Ben Bradley, speaking to staff and patients as the trust celebrates its recent CQC rating.

Mansfield Community Hospital was awarded ‘outstanding’ for its care in Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ recent Care Quality Commission inspection, and ahead of the winter struggles the minister described the hospital as an “example” to follow.

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She said: “The reason I am visiting here today is because the hospital has been rated outstanding for care and because is a trust that has turned itself around.

“Ben has told me this is an excellent hospital that is doing a really good job, and it is important for us to look at the success stories.

“In terms of how we shape our 10 year plan for the NHS, we need to be looking at how to spend the extra £20 billion that is being put into it every year.

“We are putting this money in because we recognise there is more demand for services, so I wanted to hear directly from the matron and the people that run the hospital, the nurses and patients about what they want to see in that plan.

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“We have had some really useful discussions today and what I can see from this hospital is how excellent the staff are, and that there is a really high staff morale across the trust.

Patients clearly love the nurses that are helping them, and there is a real focus of getting people back to their homes and with the after-car service.

“What this hospital does really well is caring about the next step, and that is what we want to see across the NHS.”

Mansfield’s MP Ben Bradley also gave praise to the hospital during the visit, saying that the rating is “huge” and something that should be celebrated by all.

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He said: “There has been this journey within the trust and we have got to the point where King’s Mill, the Mansfield Community Hospital and other hospitals within the network were rated as good.

“This is huge for the area and our confidence in the health service.

“It highlights some good practise - what we have looked at today is the rehabilitation and social care aspect and some of the positive things that are happening here.

“The care on the wards and the positive feedback we have had from here is amazing and it shows now that the trust will be able to handle any funding that is made available.”

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Melanie Bull, matron at the Mansfield Community Hospital, was pleased to show Ms Truss and Ben Bradley around her wards.

She said: “It has been very nice visit and it was good to get out on the wards and show what we do, also talking to patients - that is why we are here at the end of the day.”