Nottinghamshire Police launches annual Christmas and New Year drink and drug-drive campaign

Nottinghamshire Police have launched the annual drink and drug driving campaign.Nottinghamshire Police have launched the annual drink and drug driving campaign.
Nottinghamshire Police have launched the annual drink and drug driving campaign.
Police officers in Nottinghamshire have launched their annual crackdown on drink and drug drivers in the county.

The campaign started at the beginning of the month and finishes on 1 January 2020. This incorporates the National Police Chiefs' Council two-week campaign.

Police Constable Phil Broughton, of Nottinghamshire Police's Roads Policing Team, said: "Drink and drug drivers will not be tolerated on Nottinghamshire's roads.

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"Driving while under the influence of drink or drugs is always a significant danger, but at Christmas the risks are even more prevalent with darker nights, bad weather and sadly, more people taking the risk by drinking or using drugs and then getting behind the wheel.

"It is national and force policy that every driver involved in a collision will be breath tested as part of the investigation.

"Similarly this year all drivers stopped for a moving traffic offences will also be breath tested.

"We also have more officers trained around the force than ever before in the use of the DrupWipe3S Preliminary Drug Test, testing for cannabis and cocaine."

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During last year’s campaign (1 December 2018 to 1 January 2019) Nottinghamshire Police arrested 144 people on suspicion of drink driving, 23 people of suspicion of drug driving and three people on suspicion of drink and drug driving.

Of the number of drink drivers arrested, 48 had been involved in a collision.

Seven of the drink drivers we arrested during last year’s campaign provided evidential specimens over three times the drink drive limit (35 ugs). The highest reading was 190 ugs – more than five times the limit.

Last year’s figures compare with 97 drink-drive arrests and 12 drug drive arrests during the previous year's campaign (1 December 2017 to 1 January 2018).

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PC Broughton added: "Sadly, the results of our campaign last year show that, despite our repeated warnings, people are still prepared to put the lives of other road users and their own at risk while under the influence.

"The decision to drive when you’re over the limit takes just a split second, but the consequences could last a lifetime.

"The most costly of consequences are for those who find themselves mixed up in drink or drug drive incidents where a loved one is lost.

"The results of drink or drug driving also have massive life-changing consequences for those who commit the crime in terms of the loss of their job, relationship and freedom to drive.

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"We don’t want to spoil people’s fun this Christmas. We want people to go out and have a great time but it's vital that people plan ahead.

"Either be the designated driver and stay on soft drinks or arrange a lift from a friend, book a taxi or use public transport.

"If you know or suspect that someone is driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, try to discourage them but if they won’t listen to you ring us and report them.

"Call us on 101 or 999 if there's an immediate threat to life or property. You can also call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."