BREAKING: Kirkby rapist jailed for string of historic offences

Rapist and child sex offender Bryan Bastion has been sentenced for 10 years after a string of charges in Kirkby-in-Ashfield.Rapist and child sex offender Bryan Bastion has been sentenced for 10 years after a string of charges in Kirkby-in-Ashfield.
Rapist and child sex offender Bryan Bastion has been sentenced for 10 years after a string of charges in Kirkby-in-Ashfield.
A man has been jailed for 10 years after a string of sexual offences against women and children.

Pervert Bryan ‘aka Bryn’ Bastion has been sent down after the list of horrendous offences which took place in Kirkby in the late 1980s, 1990s and 2000s.

Following a trial at Nottingham Crown Court, Bastion, 63 of Sunningdale Drive in Skegness, was found guilty of the rape and indecent assault of a woman, two counts of assault occasioning actual bodily harm against another woman, indecency with a child, and the indecent assault of another child.

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He was sentenced today, Thursday June 16 to 10 years imprisonment, disqualified from working with children and required to sign the sex offenders register for life.

Nottinghamshire Police said they were were first alerted to Bastion in July 2014. Subsequent enquiries revealed further offences.

He was charged and convicted under the laws in force at the time the offences took place.

Detective Constable Becki Kelly said: “I’d like to acknowledge the women at the centre of this case. These offences may have taken place a long time ago, but their experiences with Bastion have remained forefront of their minds and had significant effect on their lives going forward.

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“Their courage to come forward and then participate in criminal proceedings against Bastion has meant he has finally faced justice.

“This is another example of how historical offences can and will be investigated today and offenders receive significant jail terms.”

Lois Colley, Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) East Midlands Senior Crown Prosecutor, said: “This case involved a multitude of charges against the defendant, including very serious sexual offences against adult women and children and violence against others.

“Bryan Bastion is an extremely violent and volatile individual. It is only due to the great courage of the victims, and their feeling of duty to protect others, that the despicable behaviour of this man has been exposed. I would like to pay tribute to them for their strength, tenacity and selflessness in coming forward.

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“The convictions and sentence serve as an important message to people who have been the victim of crimes such as these, or those who know such crimes are being committed, that they should come forward and that time is no barrier to justice.

“The CPS will work closely with partners, as we did with Nottinghamshire Police in this case, to ensure that robust criminal cases are put before the courts.

“The emotional impact on the victims caused by the actions of this man is impossible to quantify. I hope the convictions and sentence go some way towards allowing them to feel justice has been done.”